Sunday, April 12, 2009

so...ari does still exist AND is still adorable, per usual

sadly (for whom, i'm not sure, i am simply assuming that we have some blog-followers), ari's blog has been neglected for a few months. honestly, it would be a little too overwhleming to try & catch up on all of ari's adventures so i will refer anyone who is interested, to look at his more recent pics on picasa...

so, some general updates on ari for those dying to know:
  1. ari loves the color pink & sees it everywhere. sometimes orange gets tricky, but it's his second fave, so it's cool
  2. he continues to love music, play music, and dance often. he receives a variety of music lessons on a regular basis from wonderful friends
  3. ari is an avid & talented disc golfer. he loves throwing the discs into the "hoopie" and is actually decent at it. for a kid.
  4. he is missing his rat tail now. it has been severed, so no more dreads in the back. but he doesn't really look like he's had a haircut yet, so don't get too excited.
  5. narrating EVERYTHING that he does is apparently really cool & fun. fortunately, i'm around him often enough that i can interpret for others who are not down with his lingo
  6. ari is the only household member thrilled about having ants in the house. now he can "push buggies" (squash ants) anytime he wants.
  7. "i draw. i draw" is a well-used phrase. and if he asks you to draw something for him, it will likely be an apple. or a ball.
  8. if you do something cool, he says "nice!"
  9. dogs continue to fascinate him to no end
  10. he loves his friend, tallulah, deeply - they are kinda like twins


you'd know me if you saw me said...

Its true. When I kicked the ball back to hi, he said, "nice" and my housemates were shocked by how smooth and hip he sounded!

taffy said...

I'm following your blog so your assumption is correct. He's such a cute happy kid. I hope all is going great. Love
P.S. IF you are ever going through NM you have to stop by