Saturday, March 22, 2008

ari swims!

here's a little video of last week's swim adventures. ari goes to his infant aquatics class every week and loves it! he has perfected his 'yoga pose' since this video and can stand and balance for a pretty long time. he loves to hang onto the side of the pool (and can climb out by himself), float on his relaxing, and play with his little swim friends.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

d.c. or bust!!!

ari had some pretty important business to attend to in our nation's capital so i went along with him to document his travels. he did some pretty impressive lobbying at the capitol, after observing some of our national memorials and plethora of Smithsonian museums. he also took time to eat out, enjoying sticky rice and the famous burgers and fries at five guys. his trip almost turned nasty when brad and angelina tried to kidnap him in his sleep for their 5th child. luckily, he woke up in time and decided that settling for me as his mom wasn't such a bad thing. after all, i do let him drink as much soda as he wants with his burger and fries... all in all, it was a good trip. he and paula had some great bonding time and decided to become pen pals.

how much does ari weigh, you ask? all depends on which planet he is on (he is quite the traveller)

jupiter: 53.5 lbs
mars: 49.32
earth: 21.4 lbs
moon: 25.6 lbs