Saturday, June 16, 2007

ari's stats - big head baby

yesterday ari had a weigh-in at dr. joel's. here are the results:

weight: 11 lbs. 9.5 oz. (45%)

height: 23 3/4 in. (75%)

head: 41 1/2 in. (85%)

so apparently, all his weight gain is going to his head. joel confirmed that head size directly correlates with intelligence! which confuses me b/c he seems pretty helpless and needy. maybe he's so smart he's faking...


Lindsay said...

i love that picture because first of all, ari looks a little wicked. second, i had to stare at it for quite some time to decipher the mass of fingers and flesh under his head to determine what part is ari vs. tom's hands. very spooky effect overall.

Unknown said...

I warned you about those big headed babies years ago. You just wouldn't listen.